Smart Trike Zoo 3 In 1 Cow
Smart Trike Zoo 3 In 1 Cow
Smart Trike Zoo 3 In 1 Cow. You can compare and choose prices to offer You Here! Offers Today !!
Smart Trike Zoo. This unique 3 in 1 multi feature tricycle from 10 months. Provides a safe way of traveling from the early baby age, it grows with the child to the age of 3 years plus. Parents steer the product with the unique, telescopic, adjustable handle. The built-in clutch gives the option of ride control to either the parent or the child. Fitted with a safety harness, and for 15 months......Read More...
Smart Trike Zoo winner of a Right Start Best Toy Gold Award and winner of a Bizzie Baby Silver Award The unique in concept designed for quality and functionality for a baby months and up It converts easily from a safe and comfortable baby tricycle to an independent tricycle The product includes shoulder belts for security and a sun canopy that protects the child guaranteeing a fun and safe r......## Big SAVE ##
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