Diamondback 2012 Mini Viper Kid's BMX Bike (Red, 16-Inch)

Diamondback 2012 Mini Viper Kid's BMX Bike (Red, 16-Inch)

Diamondback 2012 Mini Viper Kid

Rating :Diamondback 2012 Mini Viper Kid

Price : $160.00

Buy Diamondback 2012 Mini Viper Kid

Diamondback 2012 Mini Viper Kid's BMX Bike (Red, 16-Inch). You can compare and choose prices to offer You Here! Offers Today !!

BMX bikes aren't just for big kids anymore. The Diamondback Mini Viper is the perfect way to get your little one on the road (albeit dirt) to BMX glory. And, just in case your tyke needs some help staying upright, the Mini Viper comes with training wheels for balance. ...Read More...

Diamondback 2012 Mini Viper Kid

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Diamondback 2012 Mini Viper Kid

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Tags : Diamondback, Mini, 2012, Kids, Viper