LEGO 7739 City Coast Guard Patrol Boat and Tower

LEGO 7739 City Coast Guard Patrol Boat and Tower

LEGO 7739 City Coast Guard Patrol Boat and Tower

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Splash to the rescue with the Coast Guard Patrol Boat. The tower has spotted an emergency - someone is in trouble at sea. Send out the Coast Guard patrol boat and use the crane to lift him out of the water. ...Read More...

LEGO 7739 City Coast Guard Patrol Boat and Tower

Call the Coast Guard! The tower has spotted an emergency -- someone's in trouble at sea. Send out the Coast Guard Patrol Boat and use the crane to lift him out of the water. Includes floatable patrol boat, shark, command tower, four mini-figures and lots of accessories. 444 pieces. ...## Big SAVE ##

LEGO 7739 City Coast Guard Patrol Boat and Tower

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Tags : LEGO, City, 7739, Guard, Coast